Saturday, 20 October 2007

Web 2.0 addicted...

Hi there...

I just got an assignment to explore Web 2.0 Applications... and guess what... this is probably one of the best assignments I got here... check this out :

Guess what kind of music genre do I like? :)

Monday, 1 October 2007

First Exam @ TU/e!

Assignments and an exam. Those two have haunted me since last weeks. Sooner or later, there would be time for deadlines and time to "rock"... and it the stage performance was today, 13.30-15.30.

(hehe.. can you understand the metaphor? :p )

About 3.5 hours ago, I sat at IPO 0.98 for the first exam in TU/e. To add the experience, it was also the first online test I ever had. Students had to access a Moodle website (it's open source dude!) and do their test online. We were free to use open materials related to the test.. or ask 'uncle Google' about the test problems.. The only prohibition that counts is no chatting with friends. I thought it was going to be easy.. but guess...

It seemed much more like SPMB again...

It was multiple choice with penalties... for the half set of the problems, there were only one answer available, but for other half, several choices were available. If we can't choose precisely, we are wrong. To make it more tense, for every choices we have to add our degree of belief for the answer. The more we sure about our answer, not only more points we can get... but more penalties if we're unlucky.... The system can provides feedback immediately after we submit the answer... There is only one answering attempt available.. and the problem set are given sequentially without our control to go back and forth. Wow...

So, I was working my first question... I'm not sure.. but I have to be sure.. (this is the downside of being a confident person).. so, I set my degree of belief into High. Let's see the feedback..

-- Grade for this answer: -2


There were four options, and I choose only one item. It should be 2. :( ... Next question...

-- Grade for this answer: 3

"This is what I'm talking about... Next..."

-- Grade for this answer: 0

"Fiuh... that was hard... Gee... am I gonna get 0 for this exam?????!!!"

It was hard guys... VERY.... it won't be this hard if there's no penalty, or at least there is tollerance for not selecting options that should also be marked.. WOW...

Final result : 4 3 (out of 10) [i change it into 3 after a friend told me that one answer is corrected]

Wow.. that was harsh.. I hope I can perform better next time... Just for check, I asked my friends about their result..

"Me? well... I get 2.."

"I get 2!"

"I get 20 points as a raw score" (mine is most probably 13)

"I get 3... I wasn't learning much.."

Hehehe... at least.. I'm not alone :p

But hey, that's a bad result dude... I should perform better next time!

Yes, this is a memorable start :) Not quite to my expectation, but I think my grandson and granddaughter will be proud to see their grandpa coming back from the dead..
