Horray! new design! well... I just modify the templates from Gecko, though.. no time to design my own.. (not quite interesting for me :p ) so I just change a bit here... and there... and so please welcome, the new interface!!! (TADA!!!)
I can say that today is my independence day ever since I got my final project presentation. No jobs to do, except the facts that I have to prepare for the departure to TUe. I taught my sister how to use my computers (installing, partitioning, and stuffs..). Afterwards, I had a meeting with ATN Team (Mas Bambang, sorry I had to leave the job for now... Hope to cooperate with you again in the future). While waiting for the course, here I am writing my blogs..
Oh no, I forget something... I should've gone to the dentist! Hoho... time to go guys! Bye!