Friday, 14 September 2007


Ramadhan has come!!!

I remember the time when I was a kid. Ramadhan is not more than a month of suffering... a month without lunch, snacks, meatball in the daytime. A month with assignment to write down dai's discourse (which I often changed with articles :p ).. a month of waking up early... wow...

I just miss those times. A time to gather with family... had dinner together... prayed together, facing 4W1...

Few things are missing, but still.. it's the holy Ramadhan! I'm just so grateful that 4W1 still give me another year to meet this holy month.. and although some people were worry that I have to fasting so early in Eindhoven, I'm very glad, in fact. Ramadhan makes me remember 4W1 better.. remember my responsibilities... something that I really need in this land of temptation..

Yet sometimes, things were not going as well as it planned....

September 12th evening and 13th morning, 2007
Yea! tomorrow would be the first day of Ramadhan! sahur time!

I planned to sleep early.. just after Isya. But later on, I remembered that I haven't ask for forgiveness to my family in Indonesia. It is a tradition in my family to ask forgiveness to the elder family member, and of course, to parents. Therefore, I waited until 23.00 (Eindhoven time) to call them. It was nice to hear Mom, Dad, and lil' Sis' voice (How I miss them!). Later on, I was surprised knowing that I was browsing materials from the Internet... the last time I saw the clock, it was 1.00...

Suddenly... In the middle of the dark..

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the alarm from my PDA for sahur...


KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 1st misscall....

First misscall.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 2nd misscall....

Second misscall.... still time for the last misscall.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 3rd misscall....

OOOKKK!!! Here I woke up!!!
I rejected the phone, just to make sure that the one who called know...
that I was awake..
and ready... and a lil' bit dizzy... and I slept again...

Just 5 minutes.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

(Gee... this is what's happen when your mom is not home)

I missed the sahur... and later on I read a SMS from my best friend to wake me up... which (of course) didn't work as it meant to be... and the day was full of starving stuffs...

September 13th evening, 2007
Tomorrow will be better than today! I said in my heart... I would sahur in time!

Late at night, my friend at TUe asked me whether I read an article of tomorrow lecture. Well, it kinda moved me to read the materials... when later I saw the clock... was it 24.00??

And this time, there was only one KRIIIING!!!!!! in 06.45... (Imsak in Eindhoven is on 5.15)

I checked my alarm... It was set to ring at 06.15... (Gee...)


In short, sahur time still becomes a problem for me. Hope I can make it tomorrow morning... Let c... ;)

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Photos from Netherlands...

Hi guys!

Yeah! Finally I get my Laptop. It was on this beautiful Friday when I finally get my laptop. Horray! But thanks to assignments and a little bit laziness of mine (always... I must get rid of it soon), I just able to upload photos from my digital camera this morning here. Better late than not at all, don't you think? ;)

Next step is to integrate the photos to this blog. It should be fun... if there are not any assignments waiting in front of me.

English went crazy dude... just 1 class (and they said that it's going to be easy), and in a sudden I have to read 30 pages of English book and work on each exercises, added by writing composition assignment for about 700 words, and also preparation for next class. Great. Added with reading 1 chapter assignment from another course, this is so perfect for an evening work..

Well, no pain no gain, eh?

These are times when I would like to hear Bryan McKnight singing "Win", an original sound track from "Men Of Honor". The spirit of the song is just burning!

Btw, have you seen the movies? I would really like to... but I couldn't find it in the torrents yesterday :(

Anyhow, bismillahirrahmanirrahiim... let's start studying now.. c u guys!

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Master Intro in TU Eindhoven

Sorry for the delay, dudes! kinda lazy lately... Well, I shouldn't, though :p

This is my second week in Eindhoven, first week of study, and I already got several assignments. Fortunately, some of them come from the subject that I plan to drop. Hehehe...

So, just now, I was taking a break from reading articles and e-books for one assignment. "A little entertainment won't hurt", I thought. So, I open YouTube (the bandwidth is marvelous around here, dude), and the first video keyword that popped out of my mind was "spice girl mama".

Don't misinterpret the word guys... cause what I wanted to find is a video clip from the Spice Girls when they sung the song "Mama" (see the video here).

Well, I think I was begin to miss my Mom... :(
my dad...
my sis...
my .... (well, you know who!)
my best friends...
(the more I think of it, more names comes up... so I would just stop here...)

And what's the matter with it? Does it make any difference?
Well, it does.. it reminds me that I'm here to make history... and to make a history, you can't be lazy, dude!

So, here I am, writing back the stories about Eindhoven... hehe... cause I want to make sure that the history is well-documented, just like softwares which I will develop later on (geez... cut it off , dreamer!!!).

Monday, 20th August, 2007
First day of Master Intro!! The day begun with a welcome speech from several key person in TU/e. First of all, of course, the rector, Prof. dr. ir. C.J. van Duijn. Then? head of STU, dr.K.S. Ali. Next? well, I think I won't write the details here.. cause I would rather to tell you guys that on the day, I...

1. met Indonesian friends...
YEAH!! Finally! and all of them are male! First Indonesian person that I met in TUe (other than Mas Samuel, of course) was Mas Lesky. Later on, I met Renaldi, Agni, Grant, Pak Wayan, Jimmy, and Ari (since she's the only Indonesian girl around, I rather consider him as a guy :p guys' rule, dude!).

2. knew that Dutch people are very (i mean... VERY... ) individualist
Even for European standard (especially eastern Europe), Dutch people are considered very individualist. So, there was this guy, Ward, and he told us that his bike was stolen in a crowded public place two years ago. And how can this happened? The theft broke two bricks of roadway that keep the bike on its place. Some people must have seen it, but since they individualists and have their own things to be taken care about, they just let it happened.

3. realized that I can't eat freely
In the evening, all of international master students were invited for dinner. The menus? pork, pork, and beef... well, seems that I have to be careful to choose foods here...

Tuesday, 21st August, 2007
This is the day where I had English test, oral and written. During the oral test, things was just perfect... until the end of the test when the tester actually gave feedback of my test result :

"I think you still don't have enough vocabulary for a master students.."

This is where Homer Simpson will say... "DOUGH!!!"

But that's great! I just love challenges... :p

Later on the day, there was a faculty program. I was so lucky that Computer Science and Engineering Faculty take all of its students to go for cycling tour (with 4-tired bike) and having dinner! It was great! Due to one and another things, I had to go last on the tour. Unlike another students, I got a bike which only fits for two people. My partner was a Dutch guy named Eric, and we went crazy. Rather than cycling easily to enjoy the view of farming and harvesting land, we raced.. and even passed the people who actually suppose to know the route! :p

Wednesday, 22nd August, 2007
The agenda for the day was TB test, scholarship contract, workshop about Dutch, closed by last event with student sport federation. The last agenda was surely fun, dude! The committee divided all of the students into several groups, and we had several sport matches inside the sport center. My team consist of several talented players, such as me (hooho...), Manik, Alvaro, Wei, Haipin, She, Ari, and Zhang Ning. We played football twice and dutchball (also twice). our record? 3 win and 1 draw. Not bad, eh?

Luckily, dutch people couldn't join the games. Cause if they did, things will probably be different. Inside the sport center, I was peeking at dutch people who are members of volley and table tennis clubs. They were very tall, and they played outstanding :D

Thursday, 23th August, 2007
There was not much to say about the day, except that the bad fact that I didn't get my notebook on time :( The officer told me that I didn't order for the notebook in the first place, although I was sure that I did. As a solution, the officer made a new order for my notebook, which means that I could only get my notebook in the next two or three weeks.. :(

Friday, 24th August, 2007
This was the last day of Master Intro. Master students were asked to watch a video about Netherlands history. To my surprise, there was a scene of topless dutch lady in the beach! (hoho.. ) well, this is a free country dude! I hope I can keep my faith, not to fall with all sort of freedom given here, till the very last superdupermillisecond I leave this place. Amin.

Hehe.. so, that was my Master Intro in TU Eindhoven! I missed so many details, though. Sorry.. (I really hope I can get my laptop soon... so I can upload photos and write things as soon as possible) I'll write down several details in the future. Time to go back to my study now... wish me luck guys!