Friday, 30 November 2007


Hi again! Refers to the previous post, I was curious about this "celebrity" thing.. so I try the program with a different photo.. and this is what comes up..

OMG... Keanu Reeves...

and once again, another Backstreet Boys member... is this a sign from Allah for me to form a Netherland boyband???


Renni said...

wakkkakaka =)) arya kocak.. eh pa kabar nih? :D komen pake bhs indo boleh tak? biar srasa di rumah gtu.. :P

arya said...

baik2 Ren.. kapan lagi eike mirip ama Keanu.. terbukti secara saintifik lho! monggo2 komen pake bahasa pribumi... :D

Rheind said...


Well shaved !!