Can we be somebody's best friend by treat? No.. definitely can't...
Can we be somebody's best friend by being kind? No.. you can't... it will be artificial...
Can we be somebody's best friend by having dramatic experience? No.. you can't... it just not it..
In fact, that's just a mystery... You may feel better to be with someone who you just know, rather than the person you mostly spend your time with..
When you have best friends, you just know may know the times when they lied... the time when they kept things for themselves... the time they avoided your S.O.S... and all bad things that they did throughout the years.. But apart of all, somehow you'll know, they are your best friends...
And I'm so lucky that I have mine...
So, I would like to dedicated this song to my best friends all over the world... both present and future... hope our friendship last forever :)
You Were There
Time passes, the world changes
But I'm still the same ole' kid
And your jokes still bring me laughter
As if you still were here
And it hurts
When I smile
'Cause my heart still remembers
When you were around
'Cause you were there
When no one was
Just when I thought nobody cared
You showed me love
'Cause you were my friend
You always told me
And I am still here
Because you were there
So precious, small treasures
A time when truth was innocent
True friendship, was all we were after
A place where kids could still be kids
And it hurts
But I'm glad
'Cause at least I was blessed
To have you as my friend
You're my best friend
There are no accidents
God has a plan for everyone
And he brought you in my life
To show me what a good friendship was
Blogged with Flock
Someone once told me, to have best friend, 1st thing to do is to think that u r someone's best friend.
Let me think it thoroughly ;)
cieeee yang udah dapet temen cowok bule!!!!
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