Friday, 14 September 2007


Ramadhan has come!!!

I remember the time when I was a kid. Ramadhan is not more than a month of suffering... a month without lunch, snacks, meatball in the daytime. A month with assignment to write down dai's discourse (which I often changed with articles :p ).. a month of waking up early... wow...

I just miss those times. A time to gather with family... had dinner together... prayed together, facing 4W1...

Few things are missing, but still.. it's the holy Ramadhan! I'm just so grateful that 4W1 still give me another year to meet this holy month.. and although some people were worry that I have to fasting so early in Eindhoven, I'm very glad, in fact. Ramadhan makes me remember 4W1 better.. remember my responsibilities... something that I really need in this land of temptation..

Yet sometimes, things were not going as well as it planned....

September 12th evening and 13th morning, 2007
Yea! tomorrow would be the first day of Ramadhan! sahur time!

I planned to sleep early.. just after Isya. But later on, I remembered that I haven't ask for forgiveness to my family in Indonesia. It is a tradition in my family to ask forgiveness to the elder family member, and of course, to parents. Therefore, I waited until 23.00 (Eindhoven time) to call them. It was nice to hear Mom, Dad, and lil' Sis' voice (How I miss them!). Later on, I was surprised knowing that I was browsing materials from the Internet... the last time I saw the clock, it was 1.00...

Suddenly... In the middle of the dark..

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the alarm from my PDA for sahur...


KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 1st misscall....

First misscall.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 2nd misscall....

Second misscall.... still time for the last misscall.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 3rd misscall....

OOOKKK!!! Here I woke up!!!
I rejected the phone, just to make sure that the one who called know...
that I was awake..
and ready... and a lil' bit dizzy... and I slept again...

Just 5 minutes.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

(Gee... this is what's happen when your mom is not home)

I missed the sahur... and later on I read a SMS from my best friend to wake me up... which (of course) didn't work as it meant to be... and the day was full of starving stuffs...

September 13th evening, 2007
Tomorrow will be better than today! I said in my heart... I would sahur in time!

Late at night, my friend at TUe asked me whether I read an article of tomorrow lecture. Well, it kinda moved me to read the materials... when later I saw the clock... was it 24.00??

And this time, there was only one KRIIIING!!!!!! in 06.45... (Imsak in Eindhoven is on 5.15)

I checked my alarm... It was set to ring at 06.15... (Gee...)


In short, sahur time still becomes a problem for me. Hope I can make it tomorrow morning... Let c... ;)


Anonymous said...

hihihi it's not so easy to be "boarding" guy isn't? :P

Chitra H. Ayuningtyas said...

wahahaha... sama, sering ga sahur juga disini :D

Anonymous said...

... bertahanlah Arya

Anonymous said...

telat saur euuuy hari ini
udah bangun eh malah tidur lagi :-p
untung masih sempat minum

Rheind said...

Kayanya waktu itu gw telat ya ?

Anyhoo..kayanya kalo lo begadang, pasti waktu sahur ga kelewatan, apalagi makan padang, pasti lebih nendang ! Kuliah besok ga datang, ketiduran.. hwehehe..

ted said...

wah telat sahur ... hihhiii ... apa ndak ada yg ngebangunin ?

arya said...

:: freddy
Iya nih fred, ga ada mama yang ngetok2 pintu :p

Aseeek.. ada temen...

Nuhun nin.. saya akan berusaha!

Ayeuna mah moal telat nya Jay... semoga sukses euy di Indonesia! :)

Kagak telat sih, masalahnya gw tidur lagi :p

:Sandy Eggy
Hehe.. ada sih mas.. tapi maklum... semangat tidurnya masih membara...