Monday, 24 August 2009

Using TU/e server to search and download journals/papers

For all of you TU/e students who wants to search journals or papers from home using google and download them using TU/e's account, there is another alternative rather than using the TU/e's VPN. We can ask Janus server, provided by the TU/e bibliotheek, to download the journals and papers and forward them back to us. How to do that?

What you need is no other than your own account in TU/e (s******) and password. Then, perform these steps:

  1. Go to "".
  2. Log in using your account and password. For instance, username : s012345, password : hardrocksupercool
  3. After you logged in, go to "" by typing it in your address bar. Notice the addition of "" behind the real URL of Google search engine. By having the text as addition to the original URL, we ask Janus server to download the corresponding pages for us.
  4. Then, search your papers and download them in the provided window.

Easy, isn't it? Now, you can work remotely safe and sound from your home!

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