Saturday, 15 December 2007



Birthday is not just a moment to memorizing that you born in the same date several years ago. It is not about having a birthday celebration, treating your friends, and going home with several prizes. Those things are not even close.

I believe that some people will also agree with me that birthday is a moment where you introspect yourself.. see in your heart, and try to compare your life goal with your current performance... want to know what I see?

Allah gives me so much things to be thanked for... especially a wonderful family, future partner in life, great close friends (although I often treat them unfair.. sorry for all..), opportunity to help people, health, and... well.. I'll probably spent the rest of my life to describe all of them...

Thank you Allah, I hope I won't let you down (again), as I often do by making mistakes... things that you told me not to...

It's 23... it means that in another 2 years.. if everything goes well.. my real life will start. My journey to be one of the leader in the world will soon begin..

In my special day.. I would like to thank all of you...

Mom, Dad, Lil' Sister... thank you very much for your love and supports.. I miss you all... Don't worry, I'll try my best to make you all proud here...

Dear fairy in the Wonderland, thank you very much for your support and attention.. Let's fulfill our dream together, shall we? :)

My best friends.. Rendy, Chitra, Angga D, thx for the moral boosts! Keep in contact guys!

Dear friends.. T'I, Roncay, Narn, Vicky, Tita, Renny, Pitbull, Donny, Wiwit...

Dear friends@TUE : Grant, Agni, Arik, Jimmy, Diana, Samuel, Pak Wayan, Renaldi, Mehmet, Priyan, Goran, Eva, Sun...

Dear cousin, Ella, thx for the greetings! boi is niet slecht!! :p

Thank you very much all, you make this day a special day for me! Hope I can return it to you all, somehow...

So.. let's see... 2 more years to prepare everything.. what should I do now... hmm..
how bout sleeping? It's 2.39 AM in the morning!
Well, maybe that's a good idea... indeed...

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Knowledge Sharing.. 1st semester

Before I came to TUe, I thought things are going to be ordinary. I mean, the workload should be almost the same as I had in Bandung Institute of Technology. However, my assumption is proved to be totally wrong. Although I don't have any other thing to do than study, there is still not enough time to absorb all of the materials which taught here. But rather than complaining, I should be glad that I got many different new lessons here. It means that I can improve much.

In this post, I would like to share several lesson which I learned in the university. Who knows that you might be interested in one of these topics...
  1. Requirement Analysis, Design, and Verification. In this subject, we learn about MCRL2, a program which can generate state space from process calculus and analyze it (it's actually much more complex). State space generation is useful to check a safety property of parallel processes. For instance, if you want to create an automated system which runs by several independent robots in parallel, you need to model the process in order to ensure that those robots will not collide each other in the process. This is hard to do manually, but the tools (MCRL2) can do it for you.
  2. Generic Language Technology. It's about creating parsers to process any kind of languages using Meta-Environment. This tools enables us to check syntax of a language and transform it into another language. For instance, it can help you to read Java codes, detect mistakes, and transform the code into other type of language if there is no error in syntax checking.
  3. English.. it's might sound easy... but I found it a bit difficult as I only have 5 for my intial mark :P However, it is much improved now, don't worry...
  4. Software Architecting. This is one of my favorite. From the name, you might have guessed about the lesson learned here. Several type of software architecture is learned. Not only that, even the mechanism to evaluate them, using several type of matrixes and methodology. Most part of the course seems theoritic to me, but the lecturer once showed a tool which can measure the performance of an architecture for UML diagram. It's cool, dude..
  5. Metamodelling and Interoperability. Assume that a manager create an EPC diagram to describe a workflow in the company (EPC is used in SAP). Now, how can you check whether this workflow can handle all scenarios in the reality without any deadlock? In this lesson, I learn how to transform a diagram into another type of diagram. The advantage of this, is that some diagrams are easier to be checked formally, such as Petri Net. There is a tool to automate this transformation and checking, called Prom. The tool was explained in one of the lecture, and it was much more interesting than this subject :( . Prom is developed as a Process Mining tool.. given a set of process log, you can create a workflow diagram. Prom enable you to do that, and transform the output diagram into another type of diagram so that it can be checked in a formal method. It's cool!
  6. Web Information System. Ever heard about Web 2.0, Semantic Web, and Web Engineering?? In short, these are the lesson learned. In Web Engineering methodology, navigation model is separated from database/class modeling. This is useful if we want to exploit the power of hypermedia in web application. Web 2.0 is about the trend in current web application:Rich Internet Application, Mash-up, Folksonomy, and Harnessing Collective Intelligence. Semantic Web relates all of the information in the web using semantic annotation, using RDF and RDF queries seems as the key to integrate all of them.
  7. Adaptive system. For instance, we want to create a system which can adapt to user behavior. We can use several techniques, including Data Mining to provide such behavior. As an assignment (which I'm going to start in any moment from now..), we are told to create adaptive application using AHA! framework.
Well, those are my lessons... time to go back to assignments...

Friday, 30 November 2007


Hi again! Refers to the previous post, I was curious about this "celebrity" thing.. so I try the program with a different photo.. and this is what comes up..

OMG... Keanu Reeves...

and once again, another Backstreet Boys member... is this a sign from Allah for me to form a Netherland boyband???

Stress day!!! hahahaha!!!

one of my best friend told me to post this... so i just post it :p

anyhow, do you ever watch a crazy Mario Bros game???? check this out (full of f*ck!!!) or this one (man, guess I'm stressed...)

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Web 2.0 addicted...

Hi there...

I just got an assignment to explore Web 2.0 Applications... and guess what... this is probably one of the best assignments I got here... check this out :

Guess what kind of music genre do I like? :)

Monday, 1 October 2007

First Exam @ TU/e!

Assignments and an exam. Those two have haunted me since last weeks. Sooner or later, there would be time for deadlines and time to "rock"... and it the stage performance was today, 13.30-15.30.

(hehe.. can you understand the metaphor? :p )

About 3.5 hours ago, I sat at IPO 0.98 for the first exam in TU/e. To add the experience, it was also the first online test I ever had. Students had to access a Moodle website (it's open source dude!) and do their test online. We were free to use open materials related to the test.. or ask 'uncle Google' about the test problems.. The only prohibition that counts is no chatting with friends. I thought it was going to be easy.. but guess...

It seemed much more like SPMB again...

It was multiple choice with penalties... for the half set of the problems, there were only one answer available, but for other half, several choices were available. If we can't choose precisely, we are wrong. To make it more tense, for every choices we have to add our degree of belief for the answer. The more we sure about our answer, not only more points we can get... but more penalties if we're unlucky.... The system can provides feedback immediately after we submit the answer... There is only one answering attempt available.. and the problem set are given sequentially without our control to go back and forth. Wow...

So, I was working my first question... I'm not sure.. but I have to be sure.. (this is the downside of being a confident person).. so, I set my degree of belief into High. Let's see the feedback..

-- Grade for this answer: -2


There were four options, and I choose only one item. It should be 2. :( ... Next question...

-- Grade for this answer: 3

"This is what I'm talking about... Next..."

-- Grade for this answer: 0

"Fiuh... that was hard... Gee... am I gonna get 0 for this exam?????!!!"

It was hard guys... VERY.... it won't be this hard if there's no penalty, or at least there is tollerance for not selecting options that should also be marked.. WOW...

Final result : 4 3 (out of 10) [i change it into 3 after a friend told me that one answer is corrected]

Wow.. that was harsh.. I hope I can perform better next time... Just for check, I asked my friends about their result..

"Me? well... I get 2.."

"I get 2!"

"I get 20 points as a raw score" (mine is most probably 13)

"I get 3... I wasn't learning much.."

Hehehe... at least.. I'm not alone :p

But hey, that's a bad result dude... I should perform better next time!

Yes, this is a memorable start :) Not quite to my expectation, but I think my grandson and granddaughter will be proud to see their grandpa coming back from the dead..


Friday, 14 September 2007


Ramadhan has come!!!

I remember the time when I was a kid. Ramadhan is not more than a month of suffering... a month without lunch, snacks, meatball in the daytime. A month with assignment to write down dai's discourse (which I often changed with articles :p ).. a month of waking up early... wow...

I just miss those times. A time to gather with family... had dinner together... prayed together, facing 4W1...

Few things are missing, but still.. it's the holy Ramadhan! I'm just so grateful that 4W1 still give me another year to meet this holy month.. and although some people were worry that I have to fasting so early in Eindhoven, I'm very glad, in fact. Ramadhan makes me remember 4W1 better.. remember my responsibilities... something that I really need in this land of temptation..

Yet sometimes, things were not going as well as it planned....

September 12th evening and 13th morning, 2007
Yea! tomorrow would be the first day of Ramadhan! sahur time!

I planned to sleep early.. just after Isya. But later on, I remembered that I haven't ask for forgiveness to my family in Indonesia. It is a tradition in my family to ask forgiveness to the elder family member, and of course, to parents. Therefore, I waited until 23.00 (Eindhoven time) to call them. It was nice to hear Mom, Dad, and lil' Sis' voice (How I miss them!). Later on, I was surprised knowing that I was browsing materials from the Internet... the last time I saw the clock, it was 1.00...

Suddenly... In the middle of the dark..

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the alarm from my PDA for sahur...


KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 1st misscall....

First misscall.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 2nd misscall....

Second misscall.... still time for the last misscall.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

KRIIIING!!!!!! it was the 3rd misscall....

OOOKKK!!! Here I woke up!!!
I rejected the phone, just to make sure that the one who called know...
that I was awake..
and ready... and a lil' bit dizzy... and I slept again...

Just 5 minutes.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

(Gee... this is what's happen when your mom is not home)

I missed the sahur... and later on I read a SMS from my best friend to wake me up... which (of course) didn't work as it meant to be... and the day was full of starving stuffs...

September 13th evening, 2007
Tomorrow will be better than today! I said in my heart... I would sahur in time!

Late at night, my friend at TUe asked me whether I read an article of tomorrow lecture. Well, it kinda moved me to read the materials... when later I saw the clock... was it 24.00??

And this time, there was only one KRIIIING!!!!!! in 06.45... (Imsak in Eindhoven is on 5.15)

I checked my alarm... It was set to ring at 06.15... (Gee...)


In short, sahur time still becomes a problem for me. Hope I can make it tomorrow morning... Let c... ;)

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Photos from Netherlands...

Hi guys!

Yeah! Finally I get my Laptop. It was on this beautiful Friday when I finally get my laptop. Horray! But thanks to assignments and a little bit laziness of mine (always... I must get rid of it soon), I just able to upload photos from my digital camera this morning here. Better late than not at all, don't you think? ;)

Next step is to integrate the photos to this blog. It should be fun... if there are not any assignments waiting in front of me.

English went crazy dude... just 1 class (and they said that it's going to be easy), and in a sudden I have to read 30 pages of English book and work on each exercises, added by writing composition assignment for about 700 words, and also preparation for next class. Great. Added with reading 1 chapter assignment from another course, this is so perfect for an evening work..

Well, no pain no gain, eh?

These are times when I would like to hear Bryan McKnight singing "Win", an original sound track from "Men Of Honor". The spirit of the song is just burning!

Btw, have you seen the movies? I would really like to... but I couldn't find it in the torrents yesterday :(

Anyhow, bismillahirrahmanirrahiim... let's start studying now.. c u guys!

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Master Intro in TU Eindhoven

Sorry for the delay, dudes! kinda lazy lately... Well, I shouldn't, though :p

This is my second week in Eindhoven, first week of study, and I already got several assignments. Fortunately, some of them come from the subject that I plan to drop. Hehehe...

So, just now, I was taking a break from reading articles and e-books for one assignment. "A little entertainment won't hurt", I thought. So, I open YouTube (the bandwidth is marvelous around here, dude), and the first video keyword that popped out of my mind was "spice girl mama".

Don't misinterpret the word guys... cause what I wanted to find is a video clip from the Spice Girls when they sung the song "Mama" (see the video here).

Well, I think I was begin to miss my Mom... :(
my dad...
my sis...
my .... (well, you know who!)
my best friends...
(the more I think of it, more names comes up... so I would just stop here...)

And what's the matter with it? Does it make any difference?
Well, it does.. it reminds me that I'm here to make history... and to make a history, you can't be lazy, dude!

So, here I am, writing back the stories about Eindhoven... hehe... cause I want to make sure that the history is well-documented, just like softwares which I will develop later on (geez... cut it off , dreamer!!!).

Monday, 20th August, 2007
First day of Master Intro!! The day begun with a welcome speech from several key person in TU/e. First of all, of course, the rector, Prof. dr. ir. C.J. van Duijn. Then? head of STU, dr.K.S. Ali. Next? well, I think I won't write the details here.. cause I would rather to tell you guys that on the day, I...

1. met Indonesian friends...
YEAH!! Finally! and all of them are male! First Indonesian person that I met in TUe (other than Mas Samuel, of course) was Mas Lesky. Later on, I met Renaldi, Agni, Grant, Pak Wayan, Jimmy, and Ari (since she's the only Indonesian girl around, I rather consider him as a guy :p guys' rule, dude!).

2. knew that Dutch people are very (i mean... VERY... ) individualist
Even for European standard (especially eastern Europe), Dutch people are considered very individualist. So, there was this guy, Ward, and he told us that his bike was stolen in a crowded public place two years ago. And how can this happened? The theft broke two bricks of roadway that keep the bike on its place. Some people must have seen it, but since they individualists and have their own things to be taken care about, they just let it happened.

3. realized that I can't eat freely
In the evening, all of international master students were invited for dinner. The menus? pork, pork, and beef... well, seems that I have to be careful to choose foods here...

Tuesday, 21st August, 2007
This is the day where I had English test, oral and written. During the oral test, things was just perfect... until the end of the test when the tester actually gave feedback of my test result :

"I think you still don't have enough vocabulary for a master students.."

This is where Homer Simpson will say... "DOUGH!!!"

But that's great! I just love challenges... :p

Later on the day, there was a faculty program. I was so lucky that Computer Science and Engineering Faculty take all of its students to go for cycling tour (with 4-tired bike) and having dinner! It was great! Due to one and another things, I had to go last on the tour. Unlike another students, I got a bike which only fits for two people. My partner was a Dutch guy named Eric, and we went crazy. Rather than cycling easily to enjoy the view of farming and harvesting land, we raced.. and even passed the people who actually suppose to know the route! :p

Wednesday, 22nd August, 2007
The agenda for the day was TB test, scholarship contract, workshop about Dutch, closed by last event with student sport federation. The last agenda was surely fun, dude! The committee divided all of the students into several groups, and we had several sport matches inside the sport center. My team consist of several talented players, such as me (hooho...), Manik, Alvaro, Wei, Haipin, She, Ari, and Zhang Ning. We played football twice and dutchball (also twice). our record? 3 win and 1 draw. Not bad, eh?

Luckily, dutch people couldn't join the games. Cause if they did, things will probably be different. Inside the sport center, I was peeking at dutch people who are members of volley and table tennis clubs. They were very tall, and they played outstanding :D

Thursday, 23th August, 2007
There was not much to say about the day, except that the bad fact that I didn't get my notebook on time :( The officer told me that I didn't order for the notebook in the first place, although I was sure that I did. As a solution, the officer made a new order for my notebook, which means that I could only get my notebook in the next two or three weeks.. :(

Friday, 24th August, 2007
This was the last day of Master Intro. Master students were asked to watch a video about Netherlands history. To my surprise, there was a scene of topless dutch lady in the beach! (hoho.. ) well, this is a free country dude! I hope I can keep my faith, not to fall with all sort of freedom given here, till the very last superdupermillisecond I leave this place. Amin.

Hehe.. so, that was my Master Intro in TU Eindhoven! I missed so many details, though. Sorry.. (I really hope I can get my laptop soon... so I can upload photos and write things as soon as possible) I'll write down several details in the future. Time to go back to my study now... wish me luck guys!

Friday, 24 August 2007


Hello everybody! well, so much things happened since the last post. In short, here is the summary:

Jakarta, 15th August 2007
My departure to Eindhoven. This will be...
the first time I go outside of my country.
the first time I live alone without any controls from my parents or family.
the first time I have to depend my cooking skills to make either breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
the first time I will have a very tight limited budget (all of ém in euro dude!).
the first time I have to use English daily.. even just to make friends with other.
the first time I won't be able to see people I loved and care in a matter of year(s).

interesting? you bet! It's just like a second phase of my life.

The departure wasn't so good. I planned to go with Samuel, my senior at Informatics Engineering, ITB. We make an appointment to meet each other at 13.00 to check-in. Since he arrived so early, he decided to queue and finishes first, and then helping me later on. Unfortunately, the queue took so much time so that even after 13.00 he still didn't make it. Therefore, I was left outside and cannot get in, because he still had my ticket. As the situation get intensed, he finally finished the check-in and gave me the ticket. In the end, things went smooth and we're able to depart on time. Later on, Samuel told me that he had already made an on-line reservation. Thank God.

Sorry for the inconvenience mas Samuel, but finally we got along very well, didn't we? ;)

HongKong, 15th August 2007
Cathay Pacific was the name of the flight company which we (Me and mas Samuel) use for the flight. We made a transit in HongKong. To my surprise, it was a very big airport! Inside the airport building, there were also train station, ferry station, and bus station. It almost looked like a mall. It had restaurants and many shops. Cool! One of the best airport, I suppose.

In this airport, we took a rest for about 4 hours before continuing our journey.

Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 16th August 2007
We made it to Schiphol, an airport in Amsterdam. This is it!

I was so lucky that I had Netherlands language course before (Thanks a lot Mrs. Mira! ). A lot of phrases were written in Netherlands rather than English. Although I only knew a bit Netherlands, it had made me easier to guess the meaning of sentences. With this ability, I wasn't afraid to go everywhere in Netherlands.

We were picked up by mas Samuel's family. There were so kind. They bought us a pair of train ticket to to Eindhoven and even bought us drinks. I drank fresh orange juice... and I mean... fresh orange juice. It was a bit sour, fresh from the garden.

During the journey to Eindhoven, we crossed many green farms. We saw big and healthy cows. Now we knew why the Netherlands become the biggest nation to export milk and cheese. And one other thing, Netherlands is very clean.

NEXT POST... will be about EINDHOVEN.. center of industry in Netherlands... Sorry I have to cut it into several parts guys, but the lab is closing in a moment, and I have quite a long story here...

P.S : I will add this blog with photos... just after I got my laptop :(( so just wait for the photos!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Modify design..

Horray! new design! well... I just modify the templates from Gecko, though.. no time to design my own.. (not quite interesting for me :p ) so I just change a bit here... and there... and so please welcome, the new interface!!! (TADA!!!)

I can say that today is my independence day ever since I got my final project presentation. No jobs to do, except the facts that I have to prepare for the departure to TUe. I taught my sister how to use my computers (installing, partitioning, and stuffs..). Afterwards, I had a meeting with ATN Team (Mas Bambang, sorry I had to leave the job for now... Hope to cooperate with you again in the future). While waiting for the course, here I am writing my blogs..

Oh no, I forget something... I should've gone to the dentist! Hoho... time to go guys! Bye!

Monday, 6 August 2007

Coming Back with My Way

Many things had happened after the last blog. Sorry folks, for not updating... kinda put this blog into the later priority, actually... :p I promise I'll put it higher from now on, though :p

In this occassion, i would like to say thanks to all of my best friends (and of course, my friends), for coming to my farewell event last week.. 29th July, 11 AM - 15 PM. It was memorable... I'll remember all of your advices, and hopefully won't let anyone of you dissapointed. I'll upload the photos later in flickr and show some of it in this blog. So, don't go anywhere... ;)

I also plan to rebuild this blog to a better one... probably some more pictures, calendars, shoutbox, well... anything :p I'll try to finish it before my departure to Eindhoven.

To all people who don't know, I got a scholarship to continue my Master study at TU Eindhoven (TU/e). The scholarship was given by TU/e. In 15th of August, I'll depart to Eindhoven with Cathay Pacific Airlines, together with my senior in ITB, Samuel Louvan. We'll take a stop for a while in Kuala Lumpur before going to Schippol Airport, Amsterdam. I don't know how exactly we will go to Eindhoven, still waiting for the news from TU/e (We use Meet and Greet Service provided by TU/e).

Some of unordinary things happened these few days...

1. I finished my task as a researcher assistant in POSS-ITB (Center for Empowerment of Open Source Software - ITB). My final activity is to conduct a OSS training for ITB employee. The training went well, although there's so many training modules that had to be passed because of not enough time...

2. The TPDA Software was implemented very well, thanks a lot to my dear friend Ronny Hendrawan.. He's such a great guy... The software performance is highly boosted with his analysis (and also his code implementation)... Yet I still don't know how he did it without thorough understanding of TPDA Algorithm...

3. Me, Ghozy (a.k.a Ghozalfan Farabi, S.T. SI-2002 ITB), and Adit (a.k.a Aditya Wirawan, KL-2002 ITB) got the runner up for our paper in the TNI-KL competition... (by the way, it's already a long time since we made it :p ). Well, hard work payed off, eh? :p

4. Me and Udan (Muhammad Yusuf Hamdan, S.T. IF-2002 ITB) made a paper and made it into ICEEI 2007 (International Conference in Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2007 ) held by STEI-ITB.. Our paper is presented in a poster exhibition, equals to other international papers... hoho... but I'm still curious why did our paper didn't appear on the proceedings??? (Although we found it in the Table Of Contents..)

Well, probably I'll add some of the details later... but now, I would like to share a beautiful lyrics from Frank Sinatra in his song, My Way... I hope I can speak these lyrics with my heart in the future...

My Way
a music by Frank Sinatra

And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full -
I've travelled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets? I've had a few,
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course -
Each careful step along the byway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off more than I could chew,
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill - my share of losing.
But now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that,
And may I say, not in a shy way -
Oh no. Oh no, not me.
I did it my way.

For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.

Yes, it was my way.

C ya in the next blog!

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Eating Wisely...

This afternoon.. eh, well.. yesterday afternoon, my best friend Rendy asked me, Rikza, and Alf to have lunch together for his birthday party. We should gathered at 14.00 at Bandung Super Mall, the biggest mall in the city (at least for now), but thanks to 'telat berangkat' and 'Angkot ngetem mantep banget' problems, I arrived at 15.00.

Fortunately, everybody can understand... seems their passion of having free lunch as fast as possible is so enormous that it beats the passion of beating their cool friend who comes late for almost 1 hour :D

So, here we are, eating buffet at Sapo Oriental resto. It's Chinese restaurant, and they had all-you-can-eat program so we can order as much as we like. The cool part is, the all-you-can-eat menus is not so much different than the normal menu. We decide to use it as wise as possible.. hehe...

Rendy told us a secret.. never eat noodles, vegetables, and things that would quickly make your stomach full. He also said that meats is the best menu to order. So, we decided to go that way. Carnivore rules!!

In short, during our short visit there, we ordered all of sapo menus (except shrimp roll which already sold out and sapo broccoli.. because it has vegetables in it), two of four kind of soups, and so many foods which have meat as their main ingredients.

We ate for 1,5 hours before we had enough (except Rikza.. I guess..). I'm sure the waiter were relieved just a step after we went out. We ordered so many foods which are normally priced Rp30.000,00 each with only Rp230.000,00 for all foods and for each person.

In the end, I just wonderin... Are we the one who were too clever to use the opportunity? Or it was another miscalculation program from the restaurant's manager? :p

I just hope there will be no pictures of us in the restaurant.. saying that these guys are dangerous.. bancrupt-maker.. :p

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Hungry ATM Machine...

Last Friday, I tried to retrieve some money from the campus ATM. These past days, there had been many expenses. Posting scholarship make the most of them. I had no phone credits (Still using my pre-paid :p ), a printer ink to be filled in, and had only twenty thousand Rupiah in my pocket for weekend. Hopefully, this ATM could save my life.

So, I entered my ATM card as usual.. entered the PIN number.. and the screen displayed "You didn't take your ATM card in the time range we provided. We will keep your card in the ATM".

Great... Just when I need it...

I phoned the bank and told them to block my card. Since I had a practicum test to be prepared, I should wait until Monday to go to the Bank and get my card back. As for my weekend? hehe... I was fortunate enough to have a credit from my parents... :p

So, Monday afternoon I went to the bank. At first, the customer service told me to wait about two or three days until I can get my card. But since I was insisting with an excuse that I would go travelled by the next day, she tried to fasten the procedure. And guess what, after she called here and there, the card was already inside the cupboard behind her ^^'

Shortly, I got my card. After I got it, I asked the customer service whether the campus ATM had already fixed. Convincingly, she stated that for ATM machines, the bank never let them down for days. It was a relief, because I want to return the money I borrowed from my parents as soon as possible. Credit is credit dude... no matter who did you get the credit from.

Afternoon in the same day I got my card back, I returned to the campus ATM...

I entered my ATM card as usual.. entered the PIN number.. and the screen displayed "You didn't take your ATM card in the time range we provided. We will keep your card in the ATM".

The ATM machine must be hungry...

Thursday, 22 March 2007


that's my scream in the middle of the afternoon...

Feeling hungry but unable to eat, I decided to look on my e-mail. Whoa! there's a comment from my friends on the blog. So, I look go to this URL (Yup! Exactly the same as the one you read now!). The comments was funny... But in a sudden, I'm just thinking to change this blog's title. So, I go to my edit page...

FYI, ladies... (oh yeah, and gentleman.. too..) I often goes online from my campus. Since the Internet connection cached to Japanese server, everytime I go to my blog's URL, the site is displayed in Japanese Hiragana or Katakana (Whoa!)

It's my first time to edit my blog's setting from the campus (using 'Japanese' interface, of course). And later, the button which I thought to be 'Save' button... is a button for 'Delete Your Blog' instead...

And that's how the screaming comes... :D

But well... at least now I can open up a new page... fresh from my past.. from my final project... towards a new Journey...